Coronavirus Update
May, 2021
The mission of the Bay County Council on Aging is to provide services for the elderly of Bay County that will assist them to remain healthy and independent in their own homes and community. Our seniors are the members of the community who are most vulnerable to the threats posed by the Coronavirus and we have adjusted our services to provide extra protection to the seniors we serve.
We have reopened our congregate meal site at the Coulliette Senior Center on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays; at the Callaway Site on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and at the Fountain Site on Mondays. Reservations are required at all sites. There is a capacity limit at some of the sites. More information is on the Fellowship Centers/Congregate Meal Sites page. Masks are only required for individuals who have not been fully vaccinated. We have cleaning routines in place for the dining rooms.
We continue to provide Meals on Wheels to many seniors in the community. Meals can either be delivered to the home or picked up at the Senior Center. We are appealing to the members of our community for additional volunteers who are willing to help us assure that none of our seniors go without meals during this time. In-home Services, Respite Care, Low Income Home Energy Assistance and Medical Transportation along with other current services continue as usual.
Our offices remain open and our staff available to respond to the community and especially the needs of the elderly. We remain committed to our mission and to our elders.